Monday, February 25, 2013

32 week ultrasound

I wish I had better news. The doctor said my placenta moved a little but not a lot. They won't commit to a c-section yet. I will go back at 36 weeks, on March 26th. He said he didn't seem hopeful that it would move :( He seemed surprised that I haven't had any bleeding. So still have to wait but it looks like I need to prepare for a c-section :( Good news is Elise is head down!! But guess that doesn't matter if the placenta is still in the way.

The doctor said all her measurements are perfect! She weighs approx 4 lbs 5 oz. her heartbeat is about 141 bpm which is normal! I could see all 4 chambers of the heart clearly :) She kept opening and closing her mouth!! The tech said "wow her legs are really high up there." I figured that since I keep getting kicked in the ribs :( not very fun :(

So guess we will keep praying! Doesn't look good though :(


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