Monday, April 27, 2009

Caitlin’s First Day In The Exersaucer

This was Caitlin’s first experience with her new exersaucer.  We could barely hold our laughter in long enough to take the video!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

16 Weeks/Doctor's Appointment

We bought Caitlin an exersaucer last weekend and she tried it out this week! She LOVES it. She still needs some support from blankets but she loves looking at the toys and reaching for them! She also tried teethers for the first time. We thought she would like them since she is constantly putting her hands in her mouth. She really likes them especially when they are really cold! She now likes to sleep on her side, which worries me. I keep thinking she is going to roll over on her belly. I guess we need to start keeping her hands out of the swaddle at night. She now takes naps with them out but of course she doesn't sleep as long that way! She'll get used to it!
She went to the doctor yesterday for her 4 month check-up. She weighs 11 lbs. 14 oz. (10-25 percentile) and is 24 1/4 inches (50-75 percentile). The doctor is not worried that she is little. She said Caitlin is growing proportionately so that is what is important!! She is just long and lean!!! The doc gave us the o.k. to start rice cereal so we will probably introduce that in the next few weeks! Other than that, the doc says she is doing great and is meeting all the developmental milestones! We go back in June for the 6 month appt.
Caitlin is now looking forward to her first White Sox game tomorrow night. It is supposed to be 80 degrees in Chicago so it will be perfect!

15 weeks!

Caitlin continues to amuse us everday! The last picture above is how she woke up from one of her naps. I guess she doesn't like having her arms swaddled anymore. She just LOVES to suck on her fingers and hands. She won't take a pacifier. Caitlin continues to be a great sleeper. She now sleeps about 10 hours. She did wake up one night screaming at 1:30 a.m. We really didn't know what was wrong with her. But, it hasn't happened since then (thank goodness)!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a great Easter this year with our little girl! We went to church in the morning with Grandma. Caitlin was a good girl! Then we went home and colored Easter eggs! Caitlin was very helpful! She loved looking at the lamb cake that mommy made too! I can't wait until she can help me frost the cake. She loved all her Easter presents from the Easter bunny, grandma and grandpa and all her aunties and uncles! Uncle Books and Grandma came to our house for dinner and Grant made us some delicious food! It was a nice, relaxing day!!!

Florida (14 weeks old)

We went to Sarasota, Florida from April 3-10 with my parents! Grant had to come home on the 7th. She did a great job on the plane. She was only fussy when trying to fall asleep. It was great having help on the plane! Caitlin loved the fresh air of Florida and slept ALOT!!! She discovered her feet while we were there and now loves to play with them (especially when I am changing her diaper, which makes that task pretty difficult). She didn't like riding in the car while we were there or having the sun in her face. She didn't mind putting her feet in the sand. I think she will like the water some day. She is a very strong kicker so we think she will be a great swimmer!

3 Months Old!

Caitlin was 3 months old on March 29th! She has grown up so much. She has been sleeping in her crib since March 22nd (there's a pic above of her first night in her crib). She moves herself into all different positions every night. It keeps us entertained! She is still swaddled when sleeping so that transition might be kind of tough. She has also started reaching for toys and had her first real giggle. She laughed at this monkey flashlight that my friend Cindy had out when we were taking Caitlin and Sophia's picture (that is above too). I have the same flashlight but she hasn't laughed at it yet at home. She also likes when mommy and daddy read books with her. She is very attentive!
Caitlin also met both of her great-grandpas over the last few weeks. It was nice for her to spend time with both of them!
Caitlin had a group playdate a few weeks ago. She got to "play" with Madeline, Audrey and Joe Joe over at Tracy's house. She can't wait until she gets bigger so she can really play with them.

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