Thursday, October 18, 2012

Appointment today!

My appointment today went well! My doctor thinks the bleed is gone. She wasn't able to see it and did both types of ultrasound! What a relief! She said I might still see a little spotting! I can resume my normal activity!!!

Other than that, they just took all my blood :) Everything looked great! I go back on Nov 15th! I need to make my appt for our 20 week u/s too!!! Can't wait for that, so excited!

I am attaching the picture we got today but it isn't great :(

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Doctor Appt. tomorrow!

I cannot wait until my appointment tomorrow!!!  I have had some spotting and cramping on and off since the bleeding started.  I am hoping I bled it all out and everything will be ok!!!!

I stopped going to acupuncture at 11 weeks.  Don't get me wrong, I think it really helped me.  But, I am so glad I don't have to go anymore.  It took almost 3 hours out of my day, driving there and back and actually going to the appt.  It has been nice to not have to go anymore!!!

I will update more tomorrow!!  Hopefully we get another picture from the ultrasound.  We requested another one :)  I have heard that they can determine the gender this early.  We'll see if they can tell tomorrow!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

12 Weeks!

We made it!! I can't believe this is real but it seems to be! I will feel more comfortable next week when we get to see our baby again. We asked for another ultrasound at our 13 week appt because of the bleeding. It has been about a week without bleeding. I am crossing my fingers that it is all over! I am also hoping this nausea is almost over too! I am starting to feel a little better but I am still not really sleeping
:( I am now getting some pretty bad headaches. There has to be an end in sight!!!

We did make our first purchase for the baby...a new diaper bag!! We know it is early but it's the kind we want and we found it at a low price (not like diaper bags are cheap)!!! I have also started going through all of Caitlin's old clothes. Wow, this girl has WAY too many clothes, insane!!

We are hoping to find out the baby's gender at our 20 week ultrasound. I don't know if I can wait that long :)

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