Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Due Date

Hi All, I just realized that I haven't posted our expected due date.  I guess it's because my doctor hasn't officially told me my due date.  However, I used an online IVF due date calculator (since it's different than a "normal" due date) and I figured it out based on how far along I was last week.  So, anyway, our due date is April 22nd.  I will update it if it changes for some reason!!!

I am still feeling pretty good.  I am a little more tired and should probably be resting more than I am.  But, it's so hard with summer coming to an end.  I want to get out and do as much as I can with Caitlin.  I really need to start taking naps!!!

Looking forward to our appointment on Sept. 7th.  I need this next week to go by fast!!!  Looking forward to a long weekend!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


We had our ultrasound this morning! They only saw one sac, so ONE baby for us!! We are so excited!! Still not getting our hopes up too much bc it is still so early! We met with our doctor and he said everything is measuring right on track. I am 5 weeks 4 days and the sac is measuring 5 weeks 3 days, which is great! We go back on Sept 7th for our next ultrasound. We should be able to see the heartbeat by then!!! We have to go to the downtown office which isn't convenient for me, but at least Grant can be there again!! I am going to call my new OB's office today because I will then need to see her between 8-10 weeks! It's starting to feel a little more real!! Thank you all SO much for all of your support!! Can't wait to hit the safe zone and really be able to celebrate and be happy!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

The last of the blood tests was done today.  I almost passed out when the nurse was trying to draw the blood.  I guess my vein moved so she was moving the needle around, yuck :(  But, my HCG level is now 905!!!!!  Wow, a huge jump from 323!  She also said my progesterone level was great!  We have our first ultrasound this coming Thursday, the 23rd at 9:30.  We will then meet with our doctor.  We will have another ultrasound 2 weeks after that.  If it all looks good, we will then be released to my OB.  Guess I better find one out here in the burbs!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I just heard from my nurse and my HCG went up to 323 from 113. She said this is a good rise! I have read that they are looking for it to double every 2 days. So it's looking good!!! I am definitely feeling a little different. I am not sure if it's my meds or the pregnancy (so weird to say). I am feeling really dizzy and crampy! I take that as a great sign though! Bring it on!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Got the call...

We are so happy to announce that Caitlin is going to be a big sister!! It's still early so we are still praying!! My HCG level is 113 and anything over 100 is considered good right now. My progesterone level is 34.8 and anything over 30 is considered good!! I go back on Wednesday and Friday for more bloodwork! We are SOOOOOO excited right now!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

More news

FCI called today and they weren't able to freeze any of our embryos :( It turns out we are lucky my doctor wanted a Day 3 transfer no matter the quality of the embryos because we wouldn't have any embryos to transfer today.

Grant is feeling better but now I am not feeling so hot :( I have a slight fever but took some Tylenol and am starting to feel better! So, it might just be related to this IVF round!! I always seem to get sick right after my procedures. I am praying it doesn't affect the outcome. Hoping Caitlin doesn't get sick either. All she wants to do is sit on my lap and give me hugs. She definitely doesn't understand why mommy has to sit on the couch all day! Funny story: Today she was looking at my bloated belly and I told her I had 2 tennis balls in my belly (because my ovaries feel like they are that big, sorry if TMI). So, she kept rubbing my belly and saying "hi tennis balls, let me see the tennis balls!" She cracks me up!!

Hoping for healthy days ahead!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's never dull around here...

So now Grant is sick :(  The poor guy never gets sick and I think he might have the flu.  It was going around the group on our Lake Geneva trip :(  I hope he gets better soon!  I hope I can convince him to stay home tomorrow and take it easy.  He always tries to do too much!  Thank goodness his mom is here or I don't know what we would do. 

Please pray that I don't get sick.  We have put so much time, emotion and money into this process that we can't afford for me to get sick and have it not work.  Praying, praying, praying!


Here's a picture of our two embryos after transfer! It's hard to see them but they look like white little dots!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Embryo Transfer!

We are on our way home from FCI!! Everything went great! Of the 6 embryos, 3 were looking great. They discussed us putting 3 embryos in but we very quickly said "no, 2 is plenty!" The 2 we put in looked great: a 10 cell and an 8 cell, both with little to no fragmentation!!! I have read that usually on day 3, embryos are between 6-8 cells so we have an advanced little one on our hands!!!!

Now for the hard part, sitting on my butt for the next few days and then taking it very easy until the pregnancy test. I think I am going to go crazy!! Luckily, Mimi is here to help with Caitlin! We are so thankful for that. Caitlin was also spoiled by Momo, Papa and her aunties and uncles while I recovered from my retrieval. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful support system! Thank you to all for the encouraging texts and emails!! It's going to be a long 12 days until the pregnancy test (August 13)!

We will upload a picture of the u/s of our little embabies when we have a chance!!

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