Monday, April 30, 2012


I had more bleeding today after acupuncture.  I was making my next appointment and blood started running down my face, gross! I knew it wasn't a huge deal because I had just talked to my acupuncturist about it, but I still freaked out.  I tried my best to stay calm because I thought I might pass out.  I don't know, something about my own blood just freaks me out.  My acupuncturist cleaned it up for me and I was fine!  He explained that the head is prone to bleeding and the baby aspirin I am taking isn't helping either.  So, I go back next Monday but am so nervous now because I hate blood :( 

On another note, I had a friend tell me today that she has shared our blog with two friends: one who is going through IVF and one who is contemplating starting fertility treatments.  This just made my day because this is one of the main reasons we wanted to be so open about this.  We wanted others to know that it is o.k. to be open about infertility (it is actually very therapeutic)! I know there are worse things in life to be experiencing, however, fertility issues can totally consume your life.  It's nice to be able to reach out to others or to just be open and honest about treatments to let others know what to expect if they decide to embark on this journey. 

Less than a week now until we find out!  We are dying to know!  Hoping work will help take my mind off it, it's been two weeks since I worked (b/c of our sicknesses and IVF treatments).  I miss my little kiddos!  Let's hope they don't get me sick again :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Pictures from embryo transfer

Here are the pictures from the embryo transfer. It's really hard to see but the two little white dots are the embryos!

I also forgot to mention that if you happened to see Bill and Guiliana Rancic's show on the Style Network this week, they showed their gestational carrier having her embryo transfer. Ours was similar but the embryos were in the lab, not in the same room, before the transfer. I am sure they will rerun the episode next Tuesday!

Frozen embryos

We got a call yesterday that we didn't have any embryos left to freeze.  At first, we were a little bummed, but then we remembered how far we have come since the last cycle.  We didn't have ANY embryos make it to Day 5 during our first round of IVF.  The two they did transfer last time (at Day 3)weren't the best quality either.  So, we think we have made great progress this time, even if we don't get a positive in the end!  Continuing to think positively though!!

I had a freaky thing happen after acupuncture yesterday.  My acupuncturist only put needles in my scalp and in my ear this time. It didn't hurt or anything and I actually felt good afterward.  I was feeling dizzy and nauseous prior to going there.  But, when I looked in the mirror a few hours after getting home last night, I had dried blood along my entire part line on my head.  I was freaked out.  The needles have never made me bleed that bad before.  Thank goodness Grant was there to clean my head.  I freak out at the sight of blood on me (but I can handle all these shots, haha!).  Hopefully I don't have any more bleeding from acupuncture.  Back to resting on the couch, I am going CRAZY just sitting here!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The wait begins...

We are leaving FCI now! Everything went smoothly! We had two embryos transferred, one was an early blastocyst and the other was still compacting. When we saw the embryos in the dish, one had already started hatching!! The doctor said my uterus and lining looked great! This was great news because my lining as always been an issue! So, now we wait!! Ugh, this part is going to be hard. My pregnancy test will be on Monday May 7th. I need to stay busy, but not too busy because they told me to take it easy for the next two weeks. So if anyone feels like coming over to entertain me, I'll probably be home resting!!

Caitlin is still sick which is no fun :( grant probably has to stay home tomorrow because I am supposed to be resting so I can't be home by myself with her. I still just can't believe the timing, why did the poor thing have to get sick right now. I hope she gets better soon because I hate seeing her sick :(

Happy happy thoughts until the 7th!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


We are scheduled to be at FCI River North at 9:20 tomorrow morning.  Our embryo transfer will be at 10:20.  We haven't asked about the embryos that last few days because we were nervous they would all arrest before tomorrow.  But, today, we couldn't wait any longer.  Grant talked to the embryologist today and ALL 7 EMBRYOS are still going strong, yippee!!!!  The embryologist said on Day 4 they start compacting into blastocysts (which is what they want on Day 5).  She had just checked ours and they were compacting, woohoo!  So, it looks like we should have at least one to transfer tomorrow.  We are so excited and are feeling more positive about all of this!  Last cycle, we didn't have any that made it to freeze on Day 5 so this is definite progress!!!  Our doctor told us at the beginning of all this that he would only transfer at most 2 embryos.  We'll see what they decide tomorrow.  He will base his decision on the quality of the remaining embryos!

I loved the experience of the transfer last time.  We get to see the embryos in the dish and have to confirm that it's our name on it, etc.  Then we watch them suck the embryos into a thin catheter.  We get to watch (on a TV overhead) as they implant the embryo(s) into my uterus.  Then, they will give us a picture to take home!  It is a really neat process!!!

Still praying, but a little more positive today!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012


We got a call from the clinic today that the embryos are doing well and they will wait until Wednesday to do the transfer! YAY!!!!  This is the best possible news!  I am feeling more optimistic!  I didn't ask how many we still had because I didn't want to be worried for the next two days.  Here's hoping we have at least one strong embryo left by Wednesday!  Keep praying!

It's a good thing today isn't the transfer.  Caitlin woke up with a temp of 103 and she can't keep anything in.  So we are home sick today.  Luckily, I am feeling a little better today.  When it rains, it pours, I swear! Let's just hope Grant stays healthy!

I will just continue with the wonderful progesterone shots and baby aspirin until Wednesday, oh joy!  Looks like I will be home with Caitlin tomorrow too because the doctor said this can last a few days. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

More news...

We heard from the clinic again today.  They didn't provide too many details, which, of course, has me freaked out :(  We are tentatively scheduled for a day 3 transfer :( tomorrow at 1:40.  They are supposed to call in the morning if they think the embryos can possibly make it to Day 5.  I know it is possible to get pregnant on a Day 3 transfer, but day 5 transfers have higher success rates.  So I am bummed. I am also nervous because our last round was a Day 3 so I was hoping with this new protocol and acupuncture, we would have stronger embryos.  So lots of thoughts and prayers please!!!!  I know I need to stay positive!  It's hard to plan my week with everything up in the air.

Ouch!  I started the progesterone in oil shots last night.  I completely forgot how much they hurt.  It's going to be a long two weeks with these shots.  Then, if I get pregnant, I get to continue with them until I am 10 weeks pregnant, woohoo :(  I can handle it though if it means I am pregnant!!!!!!

Will update more tomorrow!  Praying for strong embryos that can make it until Wednesday!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


We just heard from my doctor's office with an update! 10 eggs were mature enough to fertilize and 7 fertilized successfully! They will call again tomorrow to let us know if the embryo transfer will be on Monday or Wednesday!

I haven't been feeling great but I think it's because I got a cold on Thursday :( it figures that I would get sick right now. I had a fever last night and have felt pretty bad. I wish I could take something for it but I am not supposed to take anything. So I get to just hope it goes away quickly!! We will update again tomorrow! I am hoping for a Day 5 transfer!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

We feel so loved!

Thanks for all the encouraging words, texts and emails today! I am hoping all your thoughts and prayers will help with a positive outcome! We have such wonderful family and friends!

It's over!

We are just leaving FCI downtown. Everything went well. My doctor was there to do the retrieval so that was comforting. He said they got 13 eggs! Last time they got 22 but he didn't seem concerned about 13. He said he would rather a smaller number and higher quality eggs than more eggs with bad quality! We will get a call tomorrow to see how many were fertilized and how many are growing!! Fingers crossed for a good number. Thanks for the supportive texts and e-mails today! I am hoping to go home and sleep for a bit. Thanks to Momo and Papa for keeping Caitlin overnight and for most of the day today!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Egg retrieval

We have a date! Our egg retrieval will be Friday at 8:20 am. We have to be at the downtown FCI office at 7 am. Thank goodness for my parents, they are taking Caitlin overnight tomorrow to make it easier for us! She is so excited to have a sleepover with Momo and Papa.

I got lots of instructions today when I talked to my nurse. I forgot about all these instructions. I also forgot about all the different meds I have to take now. Tonight I had to do one more Ganirelex shot and my HCG (trigger) shot right at 8:20 pm. It has to be exactly 36 hours before egg retrieval. Then, tomorrow I start a Zpac for 5 nights. On Saturday, I start the lovely Progesterone in Oil Shots and baby aspirin. If I end of getting pregnant, I will have to do these shots for 11 weeks (oh fun!). Starting next week, I have to start the estrogen patches again. So many different meds starting on different days, hope I get this all right!!

I am not as nervous about the egg retrieval as I was last time because I know what to expect. I will have to fast from midnight on Thursday until after the procedure (can't even have water). I will be put under anesthetic while they do the procedure so it won't hurt at all. The one thing we have to worry about is hyperstimulation after the procedure. We will be praying that doesn't happen.

It looks like the embryo transfer will be either Monday or Wednesday of next week. That means about two weeks after that we will know if it worked or not. I am not sure I am ready for this. Think happy thoughts!!!

Grant and I have a fun day planned for tomorrow. We were already planning on going to the Sox game and now we are going to see the Hunger Games tomorrow night. I am so excited!! Never thought I would be this excited about a book and a movie. It will definitely help tomorrow go by quickly!

Monday, April 16, 2012

A few more days...

I went back to the doctor this morning. I had to get a report from the ultrasound tech because my acupuncturist wanted to know how many follicles I have, etc. So, I got to get all that info, yay! So, right now I have 22 follicles that are growing. Two are around a size 16, two are 14, and six or so are around a 12. I think they want most follicles to be closer to 18 or so before they retrieve them. So, I have at least two more days of 3 shots. I go back on Wednesday morning! I am hoping that will be the end of these shots (of course, there are more to come!!). Today was not a good day. I had a horrible headache all day and just felt sick :( Acupuncture and exercising seemed to help a little. I also feel and look so bloated (all those follicles)! It makes it hard to eat. So, the earliest the retrieval could be is Friday! Will know more on Wednesday!!

I have found a great distraction from all of this, the Hunger Games! I read the first book in 2 days and am on Book 2! I don't want to do anything but read the books, so good! Hope to see the movie soon too!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Great Weekend!

Grant, Caitlin and I had a great weekend away! We were supposed to go to Lake Geneva this coming weekend but had to change it to this weekend at the last minute. Since my retrieval and transfer will be coming up some time this week/weekend, we changed the trip to make sure we didn't miss out on the weekend away! I am so glad we did it because Caitlin had such a great time. It was so nice to hang out and see her having so much fun! I haven't been feeling great so it was nice to not have to worry about dishes, laundry, work, etc.

My headaches weren't as bad this weekend, yay! The third shot doesn't really hurt either, so that's great. My belly is only looking worse though :( I go back to the doctor and to acupuncture tomorrow. I hope we get a better idea of when the retrieval will be. It's hard to plan our week when we don't know when these things are going to happen. I am getting nervous for the retrieval and transfer because then this all becomes real again. I am doing my best to stay positive but there is always the possibility that this isn't our last round. I don't even want to think about that right now. Trying to stay positive...

Friday, April 13, 2012

More shots!

I just talked to my nurse. Now I get to do 3 shots a night, woohoo! I am up to 300 Follistim, 300 Menopur and Ganirelex! All the shots will go in my belly, which is beginning to look like a shooting target :( I go back on Monday for more bloodwork and another ultrasound. Caitlin went with me today, which she loved! She hasn't been there since January and she was so excited (probably because she got to watch the IPad)! When I was getting my shot, she said "be brave mommy" What a sweetheart!

I have been getting awful headaches from the meds :( They last all day and Tylenol is not helping. I have been feeling nauseous all day today, no fun. I am sure after this weekend I will start having more cramping and bloating, yippee! I am just glad that Grant is home to give me all the shots. I have been giving myself the Follistim even though he is home because it is a pretty easy one to do. Pretty proud of myself. Looking forward to a quiet and relaxing weekend!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Back to the doctor today!

I started my shots on Friday and had to go back to be monitored today. My meds were changed (225 Follistim and 225 Menopur) and I now have two shots every night, what fun!! Grant has been out of town the last two nights so I had to give myself the shots. SO HORRIBLE :( I have been having awful headaches as well. Let's see what happens with this increase in meds. I go back to the doctor on Friday. Originally my nurse told me I would do the stim meds for 8-14 days. It will be 8 days on Friday so we'll see how close we are to egg retrieval then! I hope it doesn't take too much longer because that means more shots.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Let the shots begin!

I went to the doctor today for bloodwork and ultrasound. Everything came back fine so I started 300 units of Follistim tonight. Luckily, these shots are pretty easy. I will do this every night until Monday and then head back to the doctor on Tuesday morning. I need to learn to give myself the shots because Grant will be gone for two nights at the beginning of the week. I don't think I can give myself a shot. Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back to the doctor tomorrow

I go back to the doctor tomorrow for more bloodwork and an ultrasound, which probably means I will start the shots tomorrow night. I am not sure I am ready for this. I have only been on the estrogen patches for 3 days and I already look like I am a few months pregnant. I hate the side effects of these meds :(

We were supposed to be in Evansville for Easter but had to cancel because of this round of IVF. It just figures that the one weekend away we had planned had to fall at the beginning of this round. Hopefully this will be it and we can get away whenever we want to in the future. I hate having someone else control parts of my life right now.

Ok, enough feeling sorry for myself, I am actually excited to spend a long weekend with my 2 favorite people, Grant and Caitlin! Tomorrow we are taking Caitlin on the Metra to the DuPage Children's Museum. She is so excited to sit on top and ride to Naperville, where her friend Sophia lives!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Encouraging words!

Part of the reason I wanted to start posting on here was to help others by sharing my story. But today I was encouraged by someone else who has experienced fertility struggles. An old friend sent me a FB message after randomly seeing our blog and shared her success with acupuncture and getting pregnant. It was so thoughtful of her to reach out to me and to provide some hope! I am hoping acupuncture has helped me over the last 3 months and we can have a happy outcome as well! I wish her a successful pregnancy and look forward to hearing about her new little one! Thank you!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Interesting Article I Found!

I thought this article made a lot of sense to me. I know it can be very hard to relate to someone going through fertility issues if you have never experienced it yourself. I know I wish I had been more supportive of those I know that have gone through all of this in the past. Here is the link:

Tomorrow is my last pill and I start the estrogen patches on Tuesday.

We had a fun-filled weekend with Caitlin. She actually liked the Easter Bunny this year and had an Easter Egg hunt yesterday. She got to spend time with Momo, Papa, Auntie Julie, Olivia and Owen today. We had a great night celebrating Easter with them!

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