Friday, February 15, 2013

30 week appointment

I had an appointment on Tuesday!  I can't believe I have hit the 30 week mark, woohoo!  This week started out awful because I had a horrible cold or sinus infection (not really sure what it was).  Grant stayed home from work Monday because I barely slept the night before.  It was nice for him to see what a day is like for me and Caitlin.  He had to handle preschool drop-off and pick-up, a playdate, ballet, etc.  He did a great job!!  I asked my OB on Tuesday for an antibiotic which has really helped me feel better.  Finally, I feel better (it's Friday)!  Not much else happened at my appointment. I still find it so weird that the doctor barely spends any time with you when it's your second pregnancy.  I go for my next ultrasound on Feb 25th.  I am hoping my placenta has moved!! 


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