Friday, February 15, 2013

3D ultrasound

Our friends, Laurie and Drew, got us a giftcard for a 3D ultrasound when we first got pregnant.  Thanks guys!  Grant started researching when the best time to get this done and realized it was right around 30 weeks.  I thought it would have been better at the end, but I guess the baby is too big at that point.  We called today and got in today!  Yay!!  I was so excited for Caitlin to see baby Elise.  She was interested for about 2 minutes.  After that, she ran around the room like a crazy person.  The u/s tech said "all the attention is on the baby so that's probably why she is acting that way."  Uh oh, we are in for some interesting behavior once Elise arrives if that's the case :)

I will post some pics at the end of this post.  We didn't get great ones because Elise likes hanging out on my placenta.  I am fine with that b/c it appears the placenta may have moved.  We aren't sure if it has moved enough (will know on the 25th) but we know it is at least partially on my side!  Woohoo!!!!  The doctor at my 20 week u/s said he thought I might end up with a lateral placenta, which seems to be the case right now, but who knows!  Not getting my hopes up until I know something for sure on the 25th!

Chubby cheeks, love her :)
Covering her face, she's camera shy, haha!!!
Looks like she is giving us a smile!  Also looks like she is being smashed by the placenta!
Grant is convinced Elise looks just like Caitlin as a baby.  I have a hard time seeing it.  It's so hard to tell from these pictures!  She does seem to have a cute little nose and the perfect little mouth!!  The ultrasound tech also confirmed that Elise is still a SHE!  Yay!!!


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