Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Great news!!!

I had another ultrasound today to check my placenta! Great news, the doctor thinks it has moved far enough for a vaginal delivery!!! Of course there is still a possibility of a c-section if I bleed too much in labor. But they did an external and internal ultrasound and don't think it is covering my cervix!!! Finally some great news :)

Elise is looking great! She is measuring 6 lbs 6 oz. The doctor said that isn't too big or too small! The u/s tech said she thought she saw a little hair on her head but it was hard to tell. I did get to see a 3D pic of her little nose and mouth. She was also opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue during the u/s. Too cute! The doc said her head is nice and low!! Can't believe it is 4 weeks or less! The u/s tech was impressed that the placenta actually moved away since I had a complete previa at 20 weeks. I feel very lucky but know that a c-section is still a possibility! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

33 week appt

I had my 33 week appt on Monday.  I met the new doctor in the practice and really like her.  She explained more about my previa.  She said the u/s report stated that it is a marginal previa which means it isn't complete anymore.  However, there is not guarantee that it will move completely away.  We will still wait and see what the 36 week u/s shows!  She did say I would have my c-section at 39 weeks if it goes that way (praying I don't have to have a c-section).  So that would put the c-section around April 14th!

I have been having a lot of abdominal pain the last two days.  It is probably just BH contractions but is more uncomfortable than I remember.  I am praying it is nothing else.  Last night I thought for sure they were real contractions (paranoid pregnant girl over here). 

This little girl is SO active.  The doctor couldn't get her heartbeat right away because she wouldn't stop moving.  So we both just watched my belly.  She said, "oh look, there goes her foot."  Elise is just like her big sister!  Caitlin was so cute the other day.  She was all serious and said "Mommy, when is Elise going to come?"  She is getting very impatient!!!  She gives kisses and hugs to my belly every night and talks to her sister!  She has been feeling her kick and move a lot lately and she just loves it!

I go back to the doctor at 35 weeks and then every week after that.  Looking forward to the 36 week u/s.

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