Thursday, August 20, 2009

7 1/2 Months

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We have a totally different baby on our hands these days!  Caitlin is now able to sit on her own, do the army crawl, say “dada” (and lots of other sounds) and eat new things.  She is also getting her two bottom teeth in the middle. 

We started giving her “table food” this week.  Well, our version of table food anyway.  She has tried pieces of bananas, avocados and sweet potatoes.  I still make sure they are pretty mashed before I give them to her.  I am so afraid she will choke.  She definitely makes the chewing motion now when she gets food, so at least she knows what to do.  She also really likes the teething biscuits and frozen bananas in the food nets.  She isn’t a fan of the Gerber puffs.  She knows what to do with them but just makes a horrible face when we give them to her.  She also really likes the YoBaby yogurt, which I think smells so nasty.

We started baby proofing the house this week because Caitlin is on the move!  She is too lazy to get up on the fours, so for now she does the army crawl.  She is talking all the time now and loves to say “dadadadada” and “lalalalala.”  She just started saying “num, num, num” when eating, which I think is her imitating “yum, yum”  She is just so much fun these days.  I am going to be very sad going back to work in two weeks.

Caitlin gave us a scare last week.  She has been having these involuntary arm movements (like getting a chill or shiver) for the last few weeks.  We videotaped one of the episodes and took her to the doctor.  They want us to monitor her until her 9 month appointment and then we will see what happens.  So for now we have to videotape her when we can and keep a log of every time it happens.  That hasn’t been too fun.  It’s weird though because it only seems to happen when she is sitting up in the highchair during mealtime.  So, we are praying that it turns out to just be a faze or something.  If it continues, we will probably take her to a neurologist.  Anyone know a good one for kids???

She has been having fun going to her playgroup on Wednesdays, going for walks with Colleen and Andy and playing with Sophia.  She also had fun at the beach with Tracy, Billy and Madeline!  Caitlin went to her first Mendota Sweet Corn Festival this month with mommy, Grandmo and Grandpa.  Grandpa can’t wait to tell her all his stories of growing up in Mendota!!

On August 1st, she went to Saugatuck for the first time for her cousin, Olivia’s, first birthday party!  She loved playing with her cousin and all her toys!  It was a very fun and relaxing weekend.

7 Months Old-July 2009

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Caitlin was very busy in July (so were mommy and daddy, which is why we are so behind on the blog!!)!  She went to Brookfield Zoo for the second time with mommy and “Auntie” Katy Dubina.  She also had fun with mommy, Grandmo, Grandpa and Uncle Books in Michigan City, IN.  She wasn’t a fan of the cold Lake Michigan water though (see pic above).  Of course, she also went to a few Sox games and really enjoyed all the sights and sounds.

She enjoyed playing with “big girl” toys (shapes, rings, musical toys, etc).  She had lots of “firsts” this month.  She took a FULL bottle of formula and could hold the bottle all by herself (in fact, we discovered this when Grandpa gave her the bottle while she was laying on the floor.  She just held it and drank it-see pic above).  She also sat in her stroller like a big girl for the first time.  She started sitting and was pushing up on all fours. I even saw her go from her belly to sitting all by herself!  She also learned to scoot backwards.

She continues to entertain us, especially with her silly faces and fun sounds.  She LOVES to have her tongue out and it is out most of the time.  She likes to make a cute “cheese” face and show us her gums (it’s too cute).  She loves talking and is such a happy girl.

She loves her solid food and eats two meals a day, in addition to her milk.  She likes everything we have given her.  If I had to pick her least favorite food, it would be green beans.  But, she will eat them.

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