Monday, August 25, 2008

Week 23 Update

Grant has been anxiously awaiting the first time he could feel the baby kick. He had thought he felt it over the last few weeks but wasn't sure about what he was feeling. But, last night the baby gave a very strong kick and he definitely felt it!!! It was very exciting to finally have Grant share in that experience!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Baby Alsman Moves!!!

I thought I was feeling the baby move at around 19 weeks! At 20 weeks, I knew it was for real because I could actually see Baby A move. Grant wasn't able to see it yet! Hopefully he will be able to see it and feel it soon!

20 Week Ultrasound!

We had our 20 Week ultrasound on August 5, 2008. Our baby finally looks like a baby, yay!!! It was exciting to see all the baby's body parts. We couldn't believe how much the technician could see and measure! We were able to see the head, arms, legs, heart, kidneys, feet, etc. She could even see the baby's lips (those were a little harder for us to see). Our baby measured right on target in the 50th percentile! We are very excited to find out if it is a girl or boy in December!!!! Baby Alsman was moving around like crazy right before we went in for the ultrasound. He/She must've been getting ready for their TV debut! It made for bad positioning for the ultrasound, oh well!!!

20 Week Belly!

Here is a picture of my belly at 20 Weeks!

16 Week Belly

Here is a picture of my belly at 16 weeks!

12 Week Visit

We went to the doctor again on June 10th for my 12 week visit. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat! It was so neat to know that Baby Alsman was still growing!

10 Week Belly!

Here is a picture of my belly at around 10 weeks!

8 Week Ultrasound

We got to see Baby Alsman again on May 13, 2008 at my 8 week appointment! We couldn't believe how much the baby had grown in 2 weeks! I began to feel nauseated around Weeks 6 and 7. It was no fun!

6 Week Ultrasound

We saw our baby for the first time at my 6 week appointment on April 30, 2008. It was very exciting to see our little sweet pea! My due date is December 22, 2008.

We're Pregnant!

Grant and I found out we were having a baby on April 14, 2008! I had to call Grant at work to let him know because he had left for work already when I took the test!

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