Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16, 2011

One year ago today we found out our first IVF treatment didn't work. What a difference a year makes. Thinking back to last Christmas, I definitely wasn't myself and realize now how sad I was. I am so thankful for the gift we will be given in April, especially after hearing of the tragedy in CT. All of those families are in our prayers. I just couldn't imagine losing my child.

We have a lot to be thankful for this year! Can't forget that! Love to everyone!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

21 Week Appt.

I went back to see my OB again today.  My doctor said everything was right on track.  We discussed the placenta previa and she said it is highly unlikely that my placenta will move because it is a complete previa.  I almost started crying in the exam room.  I really don't want to have a c-section.  Nothing with this pregnancy can be easy :(  I know c-sections aren't the end of the world, but placenta previa can cause lots of complications later in the pregnancy.  Please, please pray that everything is o.k.  I will have my next ultrasound at 32 weeks, hope the time goes quickly!

I definitely have more energy these days but have been getting horrible nosebleeds all week :(  My doctor said if they continue, I might have to see an ENT.  I am hoping they end soon!!!

My next appt is Jan 15!  I will have my glucose test then, woohoo!  Let's hope I don't have gestational diabetes too.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ultrasound Pictures

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

20 Week ultrasound!

We were so excited to have our 20 week ultrasound yesterday!  It was great to be able to see our baby and see that everything is looking good so far!  The baby weighs 12 oz!  The u/s tech said our baby was very cooperative!  It was so cute to see all of his/her little parts.  We got a great picture of one of the feet, so sweet!  I will post pics from my phone later!  The only negative is that the placenta is completely covering my cervix right now.  So we need to pray that it moves as my uterus grows because I don't want to have to have a c-section.  The doctor thought I had a good chance of it moving!  I will go back at 32 weeks for another ultrasound so that will be exciting!

We did find out the gender but are waiting to share the news in our Christmas card!  We are very excited to welcome the newest Alsman though :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Starting to feel this kiddo!!!

Hi again,
I am definitely starting to feel our active little one!  It is non-stop some days.  It is the best feeling now because I know everything is ok when I can feel him/her.  I CANNOT wait until Dec. 3rd!!  Grant is so excited too.  I didn't think I would be so excited to find out the gender since we didn't with Caitlin, but it will be so wonderful.  Can't wait to share the news with everyone!

Caitlin was so cute on Thanksgiving.  When I asked her what she was thankful for, she said "my baby" (which is what she calls the baby) without any prompting.  She can't wait to be a big sister.  I am nervous about this though because she has been EXTREMELY clingy lately.  She wants mommy all the time and throws huge fits when Grant tries to help her. It's sweet that she wants to spend so much time with me but it just isn't always possible.  I am hoping this is a very short phase!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

17 Week Appt

I went back to the doctor today for my next appointment.  I get so nervous before each appointment thinking that I am not pregnant.  I know this is ridiculous because I am starting to show, but I still get nervous.  Today wasn't any different.  To top it off, it took the doctor a while to find the baby's heartbeat.  Everything is fine, we just have a busy, busy baby on our hands.  My doctor said I should be feeling the baby move very soon because he or she is such a busy body (just like their big sister)!!!  I actually thought I could feel the baby when I was waiting for the doctor to come in :)  So exciting! 

We went over all my labs today and everything came back fine!  I am Group B positive again, which just means I need antibiotics again when I am in labor.  I had this with Caitlin too!!  I also got my flu shot, so I hope I don't get sick!

We are very excited for our 20 week ultrasound on Dec. 3rd.  I will go back again on Dec. 13 for my next appointment. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Appointment today!

My appointment today went well! My doctor thinks the bleed is gone. She wasn't able to see it and did both types of ultrasound! What a relief! She said I might still see a little spotting! I can resume my normal activity!!!

Other than that, they just took all my blood :) Everything looked great! I go back on Nov 15th! I need to make my appt for our 20 week u/s too!!! Can't wait for that, so excited!

I am attaching the picture we got today but it isn't great :(

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Doctor Appt. tomorrow!

I cannot wait until my appointment tomorrow!!!  I have had some spotting and cramping on and off since the bleeding started.  I am hoping I bled it all out and everything will be ok!!!!

I stopped going to acupuncture at 11 weeks.  Don't get me wrong, I think it really helped me.  But, I am so glad I don't have to go anymore.  It took almost 3 hours out of my day, driving there and back and actually going to the appt.  It has been nice to not have to go anymore!!!

I will update more tomorrow!!  Hopefully we get another picture from the ultrasound.  We requested another one :)  I have heard that they can determine the gender this early.  We'll see if they can tell tomorrow!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

12 Weeks!

We made it!! I can't believe this is real but it seems to be! I will feel more comfortable next week when we get to see our baby again. We asked for another ultrasound at our 13 week appt because of the bleeding. It has been about a week without bleeding. I am crossing my fingers that it is all over! I am also hoping this nausea is almost over too! I am starting to feel a little better but I am still not really sleeping
:( I am now getting some pretty bad headaches. There has to be an end in sight!!!

We did make our first purchase for the baby...a new diaper bag!! We know it is early but it's the kind we want and we found it at a low price (not like diaper bags are cheap)!!! I have also started going through all of Caitlin's old clothes. Wow, this girl has WAY too many clothes, insane!!

We are hoping to find out the baby's gender at our 20 week ultrasound. I don't know if I can wait that long :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Grant came with me to the appt! So nice to have him there. I was so nervous before the appt. When I saw the baby and the heartbeat, all I could do was cry. What a relief! I can't handle all the ups and downs this pregnancy is bringing. My doctor did say that the bleeding is coming from my uterus. It is not a concern right now but could become a concern. She instructed me to rest as much as possible for the next two weeks. That means no exercise :( that will be hard for me. I know how important this is though so I will listen!!!! I canceled my client for today and will be taking it easy on the couch all day.

We got another picture of the baby. My doctor said we have an active one because the baby would not stay still when she was trying to get the heartbeat! After looking at the u/s pic, looks like baby is measuring at 11 weeks but I am technically 10weeks4 days! We have an overachiever!!

Need some prayers

It was a rough night last night. I started bleeding and having cramping around dinner time. It was a lot worse than any other time this pregnancy or with Caitlin. We called my OB and I am going in at 8 to have an u/s and exam. Please, please pray that everything is ok. It just doesn't seem like it will be. I was bleeding most of the night and still have cramps this morning. I am just about 10 1/2 weeks, getting so close to the "safe" zone. Hope I am worrying for nothing!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Our Teddy Graham

That's how my new OB described our little baby, as a teddy graham!!! I can't believe how different the baby looks since last Friday. It had only been 5 days since my u/s and now we can see the head!!! The heartbeat was 189 bpm and I got to hear it!! I don't go back again until I am 13 weeks!!

It has been a rough week :( I have had some spotting and cramping. I was taken off the aspirin and out back on. Now my OB says I can go off it again. So nervous because I had spotting and cramping last time I went off it last week. Hoping this time is better!! I have been feeling so sick and have been exhausted. Eating is the only thing that is helping! Hoping I don't pack on too many pounds in the first trimester, haha!!

We made the mistake of telling Caitlin that I have a baby in my belly already. We probably should have waited but we are just so excited!! She keeps calling it "my baby!" She asked me the other day "why are you breathing on my baby??" because she saw me breathing. Too funny! Love the girl!

Friday, September 7, 2012

160 bpm

Yep, that's our baby's heartbeat!!! We saw it today!!! Can't even express how excited we are!! Of course, I am still a nervous wreck but we are getting closer to the 12 week mark!! I am 7 weeks 5 days today and the baby is measuring 8 weeks! The sac is measuring right on track and the heartbeat looks great (110-180 is normal)! I have been spotting and cramping on and off the last few days so again, I am freaking out :( But, my doctor calmed my nerves and explained all the things that could be causing the spotting. He said the baby looks great and it isn't affecting the baby at all!!

So, I have been discharged from my RE, which is so weird. I have spent the last 17 months going there. My doctor has done so much for us and we cannot thank him enough. I get to stop the baby aspirin and the estrogen patches today. But I continue the shots until Sept. 22nd, of course I get to continue the most painful part!! Oh well, I will take it!!

Other than that, I have been feeling. awful and am trying to take it easy. Easier said than done with a 3 1/2 year old at home!! Thanks again for all your support! We will continue to update as we have more appts!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Due Date

Hi All, I just realized that I haven't posted our expected due date.  I guess it's because my doctor hasn't officially told me my due date.  However, I used an online IVF due date calculator (since it's different than a "normal" due date) and I figured it out based on how far along I was last week.  So, anyway, our due date is April 22nd.  I will update it if it changes for some reason!!!

I am still feeling pretty good.  I am a little more tired and should probably be resting more than I am.  But, it's so hard with summer coming to an end.  I want to get out and do as much as I can with Caitlin.  I really need to start taking naps!!!

Looking forward to our appointment on Sept. 7th.  I need this next week to go by fast!!!  Looking forward to a long weekend!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


We had our ultrasound this morning! They only saw one sac, so ONE baby for us!! We are so excited!! Still not getting our hopes up too much bc it is still so early! We met with our doctor and he said everything is measuring right on track. I am 5 weeks 4 days and the sac is measuring 5 weeks 3 days, which is great! We go back on Sept 7th for our next ultrasound. We should be able to see the heartbeat by then!!! We have to go to the downtown office which isn't convenient for me, but at least Grant can be there again!! I am going to call my new OB's office today because I will then need to see her between 8-10 weeks! It's starting to feel a little more real!! Thank you all SO much for all of your support!! Can't wait to hit the safe zone and really be able to celebrate and be happy!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

The last of the blood tests was done today.  I almost passed out when the nurse was trying to draw the blood.  I guess my vein moved so she was moving the needle around, yuck :(  But, my HCG level is now 905!!!!!  Wow, a huge jump from 323!  She also said my progesterone level was great!  We have our first ultrasound this coming Thursday, the 23rd at 9:30.  We will then meet with our doctor.  We will have another ultrasound 2 weeks after that.  If it all looks good, we will then be released to my OB.  Guess I better find one out here in the burbs!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I just heard from my nurse and my HCG went up to 323 from 113. She said this is a good rise! I have read that they are looking for it to double every 2 days. So it's looking good!!! I am definitely feeling a little different. I am not sure if it's my meds or the pregnancy (so weird to say). I am feeling really dizzy and crampy! I take that as a great sign though! Bring it on!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Got the call...

We are so happy to announce that Caitlin is going to be a big sister!! It's still early so we are still praying!! My HCG level is 113 and anything over 100 is considered good right now. My progesterone level is 34.8 and anything over 30 is considered good!! I go back on Wednesday and Friday for more bloodwork! We are SOOOOOO excited right now!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

More news

FCI called today and they weren't able to freeze any of our embryos :( It turns out we are lucky my doctor wanted a Day 3 transfer no matter the quality of the embryos because we wouldn't have any embryos to transfer today.

Grant is feeling better but now I am not feeling so hot :( I have a slight fever but took some Tylenol and am starting to feel better! So, it might just be related to this IVF round!! I always seem to get sick right after my procedures. I am praying it doesn't affect the outcome. Hoping Caitlin doesn't get sick either. All she wants to do is sit on my lap and give me hugs. She definitely doesn't understand why mommy has to sit on the couch all day! Funny story: Today she was looking at my bloated belly and I told her I had 2 tennis balls in my belly (because my ovaries feel like they are that big, sorry if TMI). So, she kept rubbing my belly and saying "hi tennis balls, let me see the tennis balls!" She cracks me up!!

Hoping for healthy days ahead!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's never dull around here...

So now Grant is sick :(  The poor guy never gets sick and I think he might have the flu.  It was going around the group on our Lake Geneva trip :(  I hope he gets better soon!  I hope I can convince him to stay home tomorrow and take it easy.  He always tries to do too much!  Thank goodness his mom is here or I don't know what we would do. 

Please pray that I don't get sick.  We have put so much time, emotion and money into this process that we can't afford for me to get sick and have it not work.  Praying, praying, praying!


Here's a picture of our two embryos after transfer! It's hard to see them but they look like white little dots!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Embryo Transfer!

We are on our way home from FCI!! Everything went great! Of the 6 embryos, 3 were looking great. They discussed us putting 3 embryos in but we very quickly said "no, 2 is plenty!" The 2 we put in looked great: a 10 cell and an 8 cell, both with little to no fragmentation!!! I have read that usually on day 3, embryos are between 6-8 cells so we have an advanced little one on our hands!!!!

Now for the hard part, sitting on my butt for the next few days and then taking it very easy until the pregnancy test. I think I am going to go crazy!! Luckily, Mimi is here to help with Caitlin! We are so thankful for that. Caitlin was also spoiled by Momo, Papa and her aunties and uncles while I recovered from my retrieval. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful support system! Thank you to all for the encouraging texts and emails!! It's going to be a long 12 days until the pregnancy test (August 13)!

We will upload a picture of the u/s of our little embabies when we have a chance!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another update

My embryo transfer is scheduled for tomorrow!  We need to be at the downtown office at 9:20.  The nurse said that all 6 embryos are still going strong but there is some fragmentation :( That just means that the quality isn't awesome.  But, people can get pregnant on less than perfect embryos.  So, we are hoping it can still work!!!

Ugh, these progesterone shots are killing me and it's only been two days.  Thank goodness for my heating pad and ice packs!

We'll see how many embryos they want to put in, I am hoping it is no more than 2.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I heard from FCI this morning.  Of the 16 retrieved, 13 were ICSI'd and 6 have fertilized!  We will know more about the quality, etc tomorrow.  I haven't been feeling good, I took a 3 hour nap today and am ready for bed already tonight.  I wish I could stick a pin in my belly and deflate it, haha!  I just feel so full, I could barely eat anything today (which is rare for me). 

I started my lovely progesterone shots tonight :(  These are the worst shots by far.  I will continue with these shots until the pregnancy test and then until I am 10 weeks pregnant (if all goes well).  They are awful but I will do whatever it takes!  I also started the baby aspirin again tonight, which makes me nervous for acupuncture tomorrow.  Last cycle, my head would bleed at the end of every acupuncture session.  It wasn't a big deal but it freaked me out.  I hate seeing my own blood. 

Hoping all 6 embryos are still going strong tomorrow!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Retrieval is over!

Everything went well this morning and we are leaving FCI now. They retrieved 16 eggs and we will know how many fertilized tomorrow when they call us. Let's hope I don't hyper stimulate now. My transfer will be Wednesday.

I am planning on taking a nap later and resting until Wednesday. We are now on our way to Prentice to meet Laurie and Drew's new son, Kyler, who was born on Friday.

Will update with more results tomorrow!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Yay, yay, yay!

I got the call from my nurse and my egg retrieval is scheduled for Sunday!!  We have to be at the downtown FCI office at 7 am.  I can't believe we are actually going to make it to retrieval!!  But, now I am nervous about hyperstimulation (it's always something!).  My nurse said I have 9 follicles on the right measuring at 15 or bigger and 8 on the left measuring 15 or bigger and I also have some smaller ones.  She said to start following the hyperstimulation precautions, which include: staying hydrated with drinks that have electrolytes, eating salty foods and watching for excessive bloating or pain in the abdomen.  I already have the bloating for sure!  I was looking at older posts on this blog a few days ago and came across my belly pics from when I was preggo with Caitlin.  My belly right now looks the same as I did when I was about 4 or 5 months pregnant.  CRAZY!

So, tonight I do my trigger (HCG) shot at exactly 8:20.  Everything has to be timed just right!  I will start my Z Pack tomorrow night (2 pills after dinner).  I can't eat or drink anything after midnight on Saturday night.  This is the hardest part for me because even though we have to be at the clinic at 7 am, my retrieval probably won't be until 8:20ish.  If you know me, you know I love to eat, so waiting that long is so hard!  But, again, not that big of a deal!!!

I am assuming my transfer will then be next Wednesday! 

So thankful to have wonderful parents and in-laws who will be helping us over the next week and a half with Caitlin while we get through this process!  Even though we are making it this far, there are still no guarantees that this cycle will work.  But, we are crossing our fingers and toes and praying for great news!!!!!

Thanks for your continued support!

Will update more after the procedure! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Almost forgot!

I was just about to go to bed and realized I forgot to update the blog! Things continue to look good and I think I counted 16 follicles during the ultrasound. The u/s tech said the biggest was at 20. I also had a 19,18,17 and 17. She stopped there! I had to do one more night of shots, 3 again. I am hoping I had my last menopur shot ever tonight because that one never gets easier, hurts every time :( My belly looks awful but we made it pretty by using some of Caitlin's strawberry shortcake band aids, haha!! Actually we ran out of the normal ones!

So I go back tomorrow for the 4th time this week, I am sick of going to the doctor. Between that and acupuncture, I have been to the doctor 7 times in 7 days. So ready for this to be over!

The nurse did say my retrieval will probably be on Sunday, which means my transfer will be Wednesday. My doctor wants to do a 3 day transfer no matter how the embryos are looking. I can't believe we may actually make it to retrieval. I thought for sure our IVF journey was going to be over and we were going to have to hope for a miracle. I am just praying it works!

We are very excited that we get to go to Lake Geneva for a night. It will be great to see everyone and will be a nice distraction tomorrow night and Saturday! Wish I wasn't feeling so awful though :(

Have a good night!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I just heard from my nurse and she said my doctor said this is an "ok stimulation." Whatever that means?? I am always reading into what she says, so annoying! It seems things are still going in the right direction. They didn't up my meds so I will continue the same 3 shots and doses and head back tomorrow morning. Wow, trip #3 this week to their office! At this point, the earliest my retrieval could be is Saturday. If they think I need another night of shots tomorrow, then my retrieval would be on Sunday. We will see what tomorrow brings!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Looking good!

I heard from my nurse about an hour ago. Everything is looking good! Let me tell you, I can feel it! Ugh, so uncomfortable, but I am not going to complain if it means we make it to retrieval! Here are the stats: 7 follicles on the left and 5 on the right ranging in size from 15.4-10!! Yay! Bad news, 3 shots tonight: 75 follistim, 300 menopur and ganirelex. Again, I don't care how many shots Grant has to give me, just so it's working! I am still not getting my hopes up, I just can't be disappointed again. I go back on Wednesday morning for my next check. My nurse thinks it will be 3-4 more days, so it looks like retrieval could be Saturday, Sunday or Monday (with transfer being 3 day after that). So, Lake Geneva might be out for us :( It makes me so sad but I want this journey to have a happy ending and just need to focus on this right now. We are hoping we can get up there for a day!! Thanks for all the supportive texts and emails! We have the best family and friends! Until Wednesday...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Moving slow!

Grant went with me to the downtown office this morning. We got there at 6:45 so we could get in and out! It worked because we were back in the car by 7:15!! It still seemed that I didn't have many follicles but the u/s tech seemed like things were going in the right direction. My nurse happened to be working downtown today so it was nice to know someone was there who is familiar with my case. She called us around 2:00 to say that I now have 8 follicles: 5 on one side ( sizes: 11,10,9,9,8) and 3 on the other side ( all 8s), I know the numbers don't mean much to all of you but it's my way of tracking this cycle in writing!! My estrogen went to 270, which I think is the biggest reason we are still on track. The follicles are growing slowly but my estrogen is going up so things look good!! I am not getting too excited because you never know what the next two days could bring. I have definitely been feeling the side effects and have had horrible headaches the last few days. I was so tired today, I took a nap when Caitlin slept (I never do that!). I will take any side effects thrown at me just so I know this cycle is working. I just want to make it to retrieval and then hope for a positive outcome! So, from here, I do the same dose for the next two nights and head back in on Monday. I will probably have to go back again on Wednesday. It seems that this protocol is just causing me to respond slower. We asked why they aren't increasing my dose and they said they are worried I will over respond (like I did during one of my earlier cycles). Hoping they continue to grow!!!

We were able to go fishing with Caitlin this morning and she had fun! It was so funny to see Grant fishing with her pink Barbie pole. I think he was more determined to catch a fish than Caitlin!

Grant and I went with Randy and Cheryl to Next Sicily last night. It was so nice to get out and enjoy some AMAZING Italian food. Thanks to Gigi, Aunt "Nette," and Uncle Bill for watching Caitlin for us. Grant and i were talking about how we have been to Next 3 times since last July and each time I had to have a shot (this time we had to go in the bathroom together at the end of the meal-don't even want to know what others were probably thinking, haha!!). Still can't believe this journey has been over a year :(

We are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends who are so supportive during this time. This cycle by far has been the most stressful one yet. It's hard to concentrate on anything else when you are constantly waiting for a phone and preparing yourself for bad news. I have to tell myself that the last canceled cycle was just a fluke but it's hard to keep getting my hopes up and then having them crushed month after month. Caitlin is in love with every baby she sees and it breaks my heart every time I see how cute and loving she is with each and every one of them. She will make a great big sister some day and I hope we can give that to her!!

Grow, grow, grow follies!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Got the call

My nurse left me a message a little while ago.  I was right, only 3 measurable follicles and my estrogen is now at 52.  She said there wasn't a lot going on but we won't know more until Saturday (when I have to go in again).  This sucks because I have to go to the downtown office which is always INSANELY busy on the weekends.  I am so bummed because there is a little fishing derby in CH at 8 Saturday morning and Caitlin is all excited to go.  We bought her a pink fishing pole and she was practicing all night last night.  I really want to see her go fishing for the first time.  But, it looks like I will have to miss it :(  I am so sick of all of this ruining all these fun activities in our lives. I know, life could be worse, but right now this is no fun :(  It just seems that this cycle is going to end up being canceled so why delay the inevitable??  I am just so frustrated right now.  I need to try to stay positive but that is just about impossible right now.  Praying for these follicles to grow, grow, grow...


Ugh, I can't wait to hear the news today :(  I don't have a good feeling about this cycle.  The u/s tech only measured 3 follicles today.  I know I am not the tech or the doctor, but that doesn't seem like enough.  I have done this enough to know there should have been more follicles.  I am so down and can't imagine getting through 4 clients, another doctor appointment and acupuncture today.  I wish I could just pick Caitlin up from daycare and spend the day doing something fun with her.  I don't think I can take any more bad news.  This just sucks, keep praying though!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Update from appt today

A different nurse called today and gave me lots of information.  She said I am responding slowly :(  I only had two measurable follicles: one on the right was 7.4 mm and one on the left for 7.5 mm.  I guess there were 18 others that were smaller.  She said they expect to see them grow more!  My estrogen level was still under 20 which makes sense b/c it won't go up until the follicles get bigger.  I have to continue 300 of Menopur and go back on Thursday morning. 

I did ask if I was responding a little better than the last canceled cycle and she said the two I had then measured at 6.2 and 7.  So hopefully this time will be different. 

I will be able to start on the Ganirelex once my follicles reach 14.  I am praying this will happen.

Other than that, I have to go to acupuncture twice this week and twice next week.  My retrieval will be some time next week if all goes well!

Poor Caitlin was at the doctor tonight because she told us her ear "was sleeping and woke up."  haha, don't know where she came up with that.  She was crying when I picked her up at daycare and cried for 45 minutes.  She didn't want to go to the pool, which is when we knew something was up.  She then just laid in our bed for an hour.  Turns out, she has an ear infection :(  We are going to try ear drops before doing the antibiotic.  I am hoping she feels better tomorrow.  I swear it is always something around here.

Still praying...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Starting up again

I start my stim meds again tonight.  I am only doing 300 of Menopur so only 1 shot!  Unfortunately, it is the one that hurts the most :( I will go back to the doctor on Tuesday.  I am so nervous about this cycle because if my body doesn't respond again, then I am not too sure where we go from here.  So, prayers are greatly appreciated for the next two weeks!  Will update again on Tuesday!

Monday, June 18, 2012


I forgot to update on the results of all the bloodwork from a month ago.  I am happy to report that everything came back normal (except for the MTHFR that I posted about a few posts ago)!!  So that is exciting!!!!  We also talked more about the MTHFR results with my doctor because my acupuncturist had me scared after I mentioned the results to him.  He told me that I could never be on birth control again b/c there would be a possibility of having a stroke b/c of the clotting issue.  However, my doctor stated that this isn't a concern and that actually more people are actually being diagnosed with MTHFR and most doctors don't even test for it anymore b/c it is becoming very common.  He stated that just taking the extra folic acid and baby aspirin will help.  I am also going to continue taking the B-Complex vitamin and cod liver oil which my acupuncturist recommended as well.  You should see all the pills I take at night, it's amazing!!!!!  Still trying to stay positive!!!

On a happy note, Grant and I are planning to take Caitlin to Disneyland and to visit some of Grant's family in CA in November!  We are booking our flights tonight, so it's nice to have something to look forward to!!!!!

Also, Caitlin started her first day camp, Camp Discovery in Clarendon Hills.  She really seemed to like it and loved bringing her snack with her!!!  It's also nice for me because I have 2 hours to myself on Mondays and Wednesdays (Tuesdays I am working during camp)!  I love that she is such a big girl now!!!!


We jut had our appt with my doctor. He didn't have an explanation for why my body didn't respond. We discussed whether or not we should take a break for a while or continue with the next round. He doesn't think my body is ready to get pregnant naturally yet and even then it would probably take months. So, for now we are continuing on with another round but he is changing up the meds. He did say that if this doesn't work then we have run out of options :( We didn't like hearing that. For now I will start birth control pills again and go back on July 9th and probably start stims again on July 13th. This also means we will probably have to miss our big Lake Geneva Vacation Reunion. I am so bummed, hoping that isn't the case!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Life is unfair :(

I got a call from my nurse today and they canceled my cycle. My body isn't responding very well to the meds this time. I just can't believe it. I was at Trader Joe's when they called and it was the first time I have ever needed to abandon my cart in the aisle. At least I made it outside before I started hysterically crying :( I am still in shock and this just sucks, plain and simple it sucks :( Luckily, our doctor has an opening on Monday at 1:15 so we will get some answers then!

The nurse said that my estrogen was only at 48 and I think they like it to be over 100. She also said that my biggest follicle was 11 and by now it should be around a 16. The doctor that is covering for my doctor recommended canceling but gave me the option to continue meds for a few more days. It sounded highly unlikely that anything would be different so we decided to just stop now and talk to my doctor. I just can't believe it :(

Thanks to all for your support! My friend summed it up nicely today: F#@K!

Trying to stay positive...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another update

I was back at the doctor bright and early this morning.  I got right in which was great because I didn't want to be late to my first client.  I was bummed when the ultrasound tech told me I had fluid in my uterus.  I talked to my nurse later and she said at this point in the cycle it isn't a big deal. However, from what I have read, if it is still there at the retrieval, they will probably have to cancel this cycle.  So we need LOTS of prayers that the fluid goes away!!!!  At this point, I am doing 300 Follistim and 150 Menopur.  I HATE the Menopur, it hurts so bad.  I will start a third shot probably over the weekend. I will go back on Friday morning again. 

I also got some other news early Saturday morning. My GP called and told me I had abnormal cells when she did my pap.  Great, just what I need. But, she said at this point not to worry about it and to just come back in one year.  She faxed the results to my RE so I am hoping it doesn't affect this cycle. 

We were also bummed to find out that we couldn't get a full credit for my flight we had to cancel because of this IVF round.  We should've never booked a flight on Spirit airlines.  Here's a warning to all of you!!!

At some point something has to go our way!!! Until next time...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Back to the doctor today!

Caitlin and I were back at the doctor's office bright and early this morning.  Caitlin LOVES watching me get a shot! She is too funny, I think she just likes that she gets to watch the IPAD when we are there.  I got the call around 3:30 today that I get to start 375 units of Follistim tonight (actually just gave myself the shot). I will do this tonight, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  I will go back again on Tuesday morning.  I will have to do my shot again tomorrow night because I am going to Champaign for a girls' night away, woohoo!  I SO need this and am super excited (even if I can't drink!!).

Unfortunately, the nurse also told me that they got some of the results of the bloodwork I had done a few weeks ago.  The results of the MTHFR (whatever that means?) test showed that I have a mild mutation that can cause clotting.  Basically, this means that I have a higher chance of miscarrying if I get pregnant (great, another strike against us).  The nurse kept saying it's mild, so I am trying not to get too upset.  This also means I have to start taking 3 extra folic acid pills in addition to the prenatal vitamin I take every day.  It also means that the day after my egg retrieval I will start taking baby aspirin and will take it everyday throughout my pregnancy (if we are lucky enough to get pregnant).  The nurse also told me that my regular nurse will follow up with me on Monday, so hopefully she doesn't have any more bad news!

I am also bummed that I have to cancel my trip to Colorado in a few weeks because my egg retrieval will probably be the same weekend.  I am now just hoping that the airlines (Spirit) will refund my money or at least give me a credit.

Starting the stimulation meds also means I have to go to acupuncture TWICE a week.  I think acupuncture is helping but I am getting so tired of driving to Wheaton to go every week (or twice a week).  It's also hard because I have to get someone to watch Caitlin because she can't go with me (would kind of defeat the purpose of "relaxing" while there!).  I just keep telling myself that it is helping and that motivates me!

I am hoping now that the "real" meds are underway, my anxiety level will decrease.  I have had a rough few weeks and need to just relax.  I haven't been sleeping well and have been so anxious and agitated.  I think my stress/anxiety level increases with each cycle because I can't even imagine this not working again.  I am just so thankful that Grant is so understanding.  He does so much for me and Caitlin and helps me stay sane!  I really don't think I would have made it this far in the process without him.  He's the calm and I'm the crazy! Ha Ha!!  I just don't know how he does it.  I am also so grateful for my sweet, beautiful baby girl who tells me she "lubs me so much" whenever I am feeling down.  She is so tuned in to people's emotions, there is no hiding anything from that girl!  I don't know how anyone goes through this trying to conceive their first child.  We are so lucky to have already been blessed with our cute little monkey!!! 

Here's to hoping these meds don't make me feel too gross!  Looks like my egg retrieval will be in about 15 days.  Obviously we don't know for sure but based on the last two cycles, that is our best guess!

Off to Champaign I go with two of my AOII girls in the morning!  Can't wait!

Will update more next week!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hoping this is it!

I was back at my RE's today for the initial monitoring for our third IVF round.  I didn't have any cysts or fluid in my uterus, which is all great news.  I have the green light to start the next round.  For now, I start one estrogen patch tomorrow (Thursday) and do that every other day until I start my cycle (some time next week).  Then, I do ganirelex this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I will go back on Day 2,3 or 4 of my cycle and will then start the stimulation shots.  I am excited to start again, it came up so quickly.  Like always, we are praying for a postive outcome.  It's been nice to have a two week break from acupuncture (I don't love driving to Wheaton for it), but I go back tomorrow.  At least it is very relaxing!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A great cause!

Grant and I would love for all of you to visit this site and make a donation if possible. It is for a great cause and helps to increase awareness on infertility.  We are obviously very passionate about this!  As a bonus, anyone that participates in the walk/run or makes a donation is eligible to win an IVF cycle.  I hope we don't need an extra cycle but it would be great to have another chance if needed (that is if you would transfer your winning ticket to us if you win!!!!!).  Grant and Caitlin may participate in the event as well ( I am supposed to be in Colorado for a wedding but this IVF round may keep me here).  Let us know if you would like to attend with them (or all of us).

On another note, I head back to the doctor tomorrow for the initial monitoring for the next cycle.  Based on what my nurse told me last week, I should start the shots on June 4th or 5th.  So, we will be back into all of this soon.   I just want to get it underway!  I haven't been sleeping well and want to be done with all of this. 

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend.  We had a wonderful time with our family from Evansville! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


My nurse called today and said I need to go in tomorrow morning because they messed up one of the  blood tests.  I guess I was supposed to fast before it.  So, now I get to fast tonight and go in at 7:30 tomorrow morning.  How fun!  I get to wake Caitlin up early, get her to school, get to my appointment and somehow get to my first client by 8.  Oh yeah, I need to eat breakfast at some point after giving my blood.  Ugh, just annoyed and needed to vent!  All these doctor visits are starting to take a toll on me. 

I had to see my GP today to get an updated "girl" exam (requested by my RE-why can't they just do it at their office?).  When I got home, Caitlin says "Mom, did you get a shot?" I said "no."  She asked "Why not?"  It's pretty sad when your daughter thinks you get shots every time you go to the doctor.  Poor thing, I wish she didn't have to go through all of this with me. 

Well I better get to sleep because I have a crazy busy morning tomorrow!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our appointment

We finally got to meet with our doctor today after a LONG week and a half.  He was encouraged by this cycle, even though it had a negative outcome.  He showed us the differences in the embryo quality from the 2 cycles.  Our embryos did a lot better up until Day 4 this time.  Last cycle, most of them were poor quality by day 3.  However, last cycle I did get pregnant, even though it was a chemical pregnancy.  So, he was encouraged by my body's response to a Day 3 transfer.  He wonders if we would've done a Day 3 this time, if it might have turned out differently.  However, he also said, he is glad we did the Day 5 transfer this time because it showed where to go from here.  So, we are continuing on to the next round right away.  We will follow the same protocol because my egg quality has improved, yippee!!!  Acupuncture must be helping!  Thank goodness because the next step would have been donor eggs and we didn't want to go that route.  So, this was very encouraging news. 

He also wondered if there was a sperm quality issue but he ruled that out when looking at all of Grant's "sperm stats" (sorry if TMI but there is nothing we can't talk about after going through all of this).  One other possibility for the embryo issues has to do with genetic factors.  We have already had some chromosome testing done and neither of us is a carrier for anything.  So, I had to get more bloodwork done today (of course, Grant doesn't have to get stuck with the needle).  10 VIALS of blood later, they were finally done.  Yikes!  That was a shock to me.  She just kept taking more blood.  This time they are testing for Fragile X and a bunch of other mutations.  The results take 2 weeks. 

So, at this point, we will follow the same protocol and do a Day 3 transfer to get those embryos back in their natural environment quicker.  Our doctor also thought the extra two days in the petri dish may have played a factor in the lower quality on Day 4.  So, we won't be doing the Day 5 transfer.

I go back for bloodwork and ultrasound on May 30th.  After reading through my old posts (glad I have them to reference), it looks like I will start the estrogen patches after I am finished with the birth control pills on June 3rd.  Then I will wait for my cycle to begin and start the shots again.  I know this is what I want but I am just not looking forward to my entire June being spent doing shots again.  We were really hoping this would be behind us at this point.  I am also sick of these rounds affecting everything in our lives.  We may have to cancel weekends away, etc because of all of this.  It's definitely not how I wanted to spend my summer.  But, I know it will be TOTALLY worth it when we are holding a precious little baby in our arms.  After all, I have had the names picked out for just about a year, so this has to work, right???

We had such a great afternoon and evening today.  Since Grant got off early for the appointment, we were able to ride our bikes to pick up Caitlin from school.  Then, we had a yummy grilled vegetable salad for dinner.  Next, we rode bikes to the Daily Scoop for some yummy ice cream and finished off the night with another bike ride.  What a gorgeous night it was! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little girl!  She is such a sweetheart!

Thank you all again for your touching e-mails, phone calls and texts.  I still cry every time I read another one.  I have said this a lot, but we are so lucky to have such a wonderful support system.  I don't know what we would do without all of you.  Thank you for letting us share our journey with you through this blog.  It has made it so much easier to get all the information out to you!  We love you all!

Friday, May 11, 2012


I am heading back to the doctor on Monday for bloodwork and ultrasound since I started my cycle today.  If I don't have any cysts or anything, I can start the process for the next round.  Since the first month is just birth control pills, I can start those before we meet with our doctor on Thursday.  Then, after our meeting, we can decide if we want to go ahead right away with the next round or take a break.  Hoping for no issues that make the decision for us!  I will update with our decision next week!  Again, thanks for all the kind words and prayers over the last week.  It has been one long, rough week.  Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with family!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thank you

Grant and I just want to send out a huge THANK YOU to all of you.  We are so lucky to have so much support through this journey.  It does make it easier knowing there are lots of prayers coming our way.  Thank you for all the texts, e-mails and phone calls over the last few days.  I think I cried when I read all of them but hearing (and reading) all the words of encouragement has made me stronger and has helped me get through the last few days. 

We have been calling our doctor's office every day to try to get in before next Thursday but he is booked :(  Still hoping for a cancellation!  If anyone knows anyone that has had success on their third round of IVF, send them our way.  I would love to hear some success stories.  I know everyone is different, but it will give us some hope!

Monday, May 7, 2012


We just got the call from our nurse.  The test was negative  :( We still can't believe it because we were both so hopeful this was it.  We aren't really sure what else we can do at this point.  I am already on the fertility diet, go to acupuncture, only walk (no high intensity exercise), gained weight, take an insane amount of vitamins and supplements, etc.  You name it, we have done it.  We meet with our doctor on May 17th to discuss the results and our next step.  We just called back to get in sooner but he is booked until then.  I am hoping for a cancellation.  I just want some answers at this point.  Insurance will only cover two more rounds so now we need to really think about our options.  Hoping Caitlin will be a big sister some day...

Monday, April 30, 2012


I had more bleeding today after acupuncture.  I was making my next appointment and blood started running down my face, gross! I knew it wasn't a huge deal because I had just talked to my acupuncturist about it, but I still freaked out.  I tried my best to stay calm because I thought I might pass out.  I don't know, something about my own blood just freaks me out.  My acupuncturist cleaned it up for me and I was fine!  He explained that the head is prone to bleeding and the baby aspirin I am taking isn't helping either.  So, I go back next Monday but am so nervous now because I hate blood :( 

On another note, I had a friend tell me today that she has shared our blog with two friends: one who is going through IVF and one who is contemplating starting fertility treatments.  This just made my day because this is one of the main reasons we wanted to be so open about this.  We wanted others to know that it is o.k. to be open about infertility (it is actually very therapeutic)! I know there are worse things in life to be experiencing, however, fertility issues can totally consume your life.  It's nice to be able to reach out to others or to just be open and honest about treatments to let others know what to expect if they decide to embark on this journey. 

Less than a week now until we find out!  We are dying to know!  Hoping work will help take my mind off it, it's been two weeks since I worked (b/c of our sicknesses and IVF treatments).  I miss my little kiddos!  Let's hope they don't get me sick again :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Pictures from embryo transfer

Here are the pictures from the embryo transfer. It's really hard to see but the two little white dots are the embryos!

I also forgot to mention that if you happened to see Bill and Guiliana Rancic's show on the Style Network this week, they showed their gestational carrier having her embryo transfer. Ours was similar but the embryos were in the lab, not in the same room, before the transfer. I am sure they will rerun the episode next Tuesday!

Frozen embryos

We got a call yesterday that we didn't have any embryos left to freeze.  At first, we were a little bummed, but then we remembered how far we have come since the last cycle.  We didn't have ANY embryos make it to Day 5 during our first round of IVF.  The two they did transfer last time (at Day 3)weren't the best quality either.  So, we think we have made great progress this time, even if we don't get a positive in the end!  Continuing to think positively though!!

I had a freaky thing happen after acupuncture yesterday.  My acupuncturist only put needles in my scalp and in my ear this time. It didn't hurt or anything and I actually felt good afterward.  I was feeling dizzy and nauseous prior to going there.  But, when I looked in the mirror a few hours after getting home last night, I had dried blood along my entire part line on my head.  I was freaked out.  The needles have never made me bleed that bad before.  Thank goodness Grant was there to clean my head.  I freak out at the sight of blood on me (but I can handle all these shots, haha!).  Hopefully I don't have any more bleeding from acupuncture.  Back to resting on the couch, I am going CRAZY just sitting here!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The wait begins...

We are leaving FCI now! Everything went smoothly! We had two embryos transferred, one was an early blastocyst and the other was still compacting. When we saw the embryos in the dish, one had already started hatching!! The doctor said my uterus and lining looked great! This was great news because my lining as always been an issue! So, now we wait!! Ugh, this part is going to be hard. My pregnancy test will be on Monday May 7th. I need to stay busy, but not too busy because they told me to take it easy for the next two weeks. So if anyone feels like coming over to entertain me, I'll probably be home resting!!

Caitlin is still sick which is no fun :( grant probably has to stay home tomorrow because I am supposed to be resting so I can't be home by myself with her. I still just can't believe the timing, why did the poor thing have to get sick right now. I hope she gets better soon because I hate seeing her sick :(

Happy happy thoughts until the 7th!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


We are scheduled to be at FCI River North at 9:20 tomorrow morning.  Our embryo transfer will be at 10:20.  We haven't asked about the embryos that last few days because we were nervous they would all arrest before tomorrow.  But, today, we couldn't wait any longer.  Grant talked to the embryologist today and ALL 7 EMBRYOS are still going strong, yippee!!!!  The embryologist said on Day 4 they start compacting into blastocysts (which is what they want on Day 5).  She had just checked ours and they were compacting, woohoo!  So, it looks like we should have at least one to transfer tomorrow.  We are so excited and are feeling more positive about all of this!  Last cycle, we didn't have any that made it to freeze on Day 5 so this is definite progress!!!  Our doctor told us at the beginning of all this that he would only transfer at most 2 embryos.  We'll see what they decide tomorrow.  He will base his decision on the quality of the remaining embryos!

I loved the experience of the transfer last time.  We get to see the embryos in the dish and have to confirm that it's our name on it, etc.  Then we watch them suck the embryos into a thin catheter.  We get to watch (on a TV overhead) as they implant the embryo(s) into my uterus.  Then, they will give us a picture to take home!  It is a really neat process!!!

Still praying, but a little more positive today!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012


We got a call from the clinic today that the embryos are doing well and they will wait until Wednesday to do the transfer! YAY!!!!  This is the best possible news!  I am feeling more optimistic!  I didn't ask how many we still had because I didn't want to be worried for the next two days.  Here's hoping we have at least one strong embryo left by Wednesday!  Keep praying!

It's a good thing today isn't the transfer.  Caitlin woke up with a temp of 103 and she can't keep anything in.  So we are home sick today.  Luckily, I am feeling a little better today.  When it rains, it pours, I swear! Let's just hope Grant stays healthy!

I will just continue with the wonderful progesterone shots and baby aspirin until Wednesday, oh joy!  Looks like I will be home with Caitlin tomorrow too because the doctor said this can last a few days. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

More news...

We heard from the clinic again today.  They didn't provide too many details, which, of course, has me freaked out :(  We are tentatively scheduled for a day 3 transfer :( tomorrow at 1:40.  They are supposed to call in the morning if they think the embryos can possibly make it to Day 5.  I know it is possible to get pregnant on a Day 3 transfer, but day 5 transfers have higher success rates.  So I am bummed. I am also nervous because our last round was a Day 3 so I was hoping with this new protocol and acupuncture, we would have stronger embryos.  So lots of thoughts and prayers please!!!!  I know I need to stay positive!  It's hard to plan my week with everything up in the air.

Ouch!  I started the progesterone in oil shots last night.  I completely forgot how much they hurt.  It's going to be a long two weeks with these shots.  Then, if I get pregnant, I get to continue with them until I am 10 weeks pregnant, woohoo :(  I can handle it though if it means I am pregnant!!!!!!

Will update more tomorrow!  Praying for strong embryos that can make it until Wednesday!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


We just heard from my doctor's office with an update! 10 eggs were mature enough to fertilize and 7 fertilized successfully! They will call again tomorrow to let us know if the embryo transfer will be on Monday or Wednesday!

I haven't been feeling great but I think it's because I got a cold on Thursday :( it figures that I would get sick right now. I had a fever last night and have felt pretty bad. I wish I could take something for it but I am not supposed to take anything. So I get to just hope it goes away quickly!! We will update again tomorrow! I am hoping for a Day 5 transfer!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

We feel so loved!

Thanks for all the encouraging words, texts and emails today! I am hoping all your thoughts and prayers will help with a positive outcome! We have such wonderful family and friends!

It's over!

We are just leaving FCI downtown. Everything went well. My doctor was there to do the retrieval so that was comforting. He said they got 13 eggs! Last time they got 22 but he didn't seem concerned about 13. He said he would rather a smaller number and higher quality eggs than more eggs with bad quality! We will get a call tomorrow to see how many were fertilized and how many are growing!! Fingers crossed for a good number. Thanks for the supportive texts and e-mails today! I am hoping to go home and sleep for a bit. Thanks to Momo and Papa for keeping Caitlin overnight and for most of the day today!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Egg retrieval

We have a date! Our egg retrieval will be Friday at 8:20 am. We have to be at the downtown FCI office at 7 am. Thank goodness for my parents, they are taking Caitlin overnight tomorrow to make it easier for us! She is so excited to have a sleepover with Momo and Papa.

I got lots of instructions today when I talked to my nurse. I forgot about all these instructions. I also forgot about all the different meds I have to take now. Tonight I had to do one more Ganirelex shot and my HCG (trigger) shot right at 8:20 pm. It has to be exactly 36 hours before egg retrieval. Then, tomorrow I start a Zpac for 5 nights. On Saturday, I start the lovely Progesterone in Oil Shots and baby aspirin. If I end of getting pregnant, I will have to do these shots for 11 weeks (oh fun!). Starting next week, I have to start the estrogen patches again. So many different meds starting on different days, hope I get this all right!!

I am not as nervous about the egg retrieval as I was last time because I know what to expect. I will have to fast from midnight on Thursday until after the procedure (can't even have water). I will be put under anesthetic while they do the procedure so it won't hurt at all. The one thing we have to worry about is hyperstimulation after the procedure. We will be praying that doesn't happen.

It looks like the embryo transfer will be either Monday or Wednesday of next week. That means about two weeks after that we will know if it worked or not. I am not sure I am ready for this. Think happy thoughts!!!

Grant and I have a fun day planned for tomorrow. We were already planning on going to the Sox game and now we are going to see the Hunger Games tomorrow night. I am so excited!! Never thought I would be this excited about a book and a movie. It will definitely help tomorrow go by quickly!

Monday, April 16, 2012

A few more days...

I went back to the doctor this morning. I had to get a report from the ultrasound tech because my acupuncturist wanted to know how many follicles I have, etc. So, I got to get all that info, yay! So, right now I have 22 follicles that are growing. Two are around a size 16, two are 14, and six or so are around a 12. I think they want most follicles to be closer to 18 or so before they retrieve them. So, I have at least two more days of 3 shots. I go back on Wednesday morning! I am hoping that will be the end of these shots (of course, there are more to come!!). Today was not a good day. I had a horrible headache all day and just felt sick :( Acupuncture and exercising seemed to help a little. I also feel and look so bloated (all those follicles)! It makes it hard to eat. So, the earliest the retrieval could be is Friday! Will know more on Wednesday!!

I have found a great distraction from all of this, the Hunger Games! I read the first book in 2 days and am on Book 2! I don't want to do anything but read the books, so good! Hope to see the movie soon too!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Great Weekend!

Grant, Caitlin and I had a great weekend away! We were supposed to go to Lake Geneva this coming weekend but had to change it to this weekend at the last minute. Since my retrieval and transfer will be coming up some time this week/weekend, we changed the trip to make sure we didn't miss out on the weekend away! I am so glad we did it because Caitlin had such a great time. It was so nice to hang out and see her having so much fun! I haven't been feeling great so it was nice to not have to worry about dishes, laundry, work, etc.

My headaches weren't as bad this weekend, yay! The third shot doesn't really hurt either, so that's great. My belly is only looking worse though :( I go back to the doctor and to acupuncture tomorrow. I hope we get a better idea of when the retrieval will be. It's hard to plan our week when we don't know when these things are going to happen. I am getting nervous for the retrieval and transfer because then this all becomes real again. I am doing my best to stay positive but there is always the possibility that this isn't our last round. I don't even want to think about that right now. Trying to stay positive...

Friday, April 13, 2012

More shots!

I just talked to my nurse. Now I get to do 3 shots a night, woohoo! I am up to 300 Follistim, 300 Menopur and Ganirelex! All the shots will go in my belly, which is beginning to look like a shooting target :( I go back on Monday for more bloodwork and another ultrasound. Caitlin went with me today, which she loved! She hasn't been there since January and she was so excited (probably because she got to watch the IPad)! When I was getting my shot, she said "be brave mommy" What a sweetheart!

I have been getting awful headaches from the meds :( They last all day and Tylenol is not helping. I have been feeling nauseous all day today, no fun. I am sure after this weekend I will start having more cramping and bloating, yippee! I am just glad that Grant is home to give me all the shots. I have been giving myself the Follistim even though he is home because it is a pretty easy one to do. Pretty proud of myself. Looking forward to a quiet and relaxing weekend!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Back to the doctor today!

I started my shots on Friday and had to go back to be monitored today. My meds were changed (225 Follistim and 225 Menopur) and I now have two shots every night, what fun!! Grant has been out of town the last two nights so I had to give myself the shots. SO HORRIBLE :( I have been having awful headaches as well. Let's see what happens with this increase in meds. I go back to the doctor on Friday. Originally my nurse told me I would do the stim meds for 8-14 days. It will be 8 days on Friday so we'll see how close we are to egg retrieval then! I hope it doesn't take too much longer because that means more shots.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Let the shots begin!

I went to the doctor today for bloodwork and ultrasound. Everything came back fine so I started 300 units of Follistim tonight. Luckily, these shots are pretty easy. I will do this every night until Monday and then head back to the doctor on Tuesday morning. I need to learn to give myself the shots because Grant will be gone for two nights at the beginning of the week. I don't think I can give myself a shot. Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back to the doctor tomorrow

I go back to the doctor tomorrow for more bloodwork and an ultrasound, which probably means I will start the shots tomorrow night. I am not sure I am ready for this. I have only been on the estrogen patches for 3 days and I already look like I am a few months pregnant. I hate the side effects of these meds :(

We were supposed to be in Evansville for Easter but had to cancel because of this round of IVF. It just figures that the one weekend away we had planned had to fall at the beginning of this round. Hopefully this will be it and we can get away whenever we want to in the future. I hate having someone else control parts of my life right now.

Ok, enough feeling sorry for myself, I am actually excited to spend a long weekend with my 2 favorite people, Grant and Caitlin! Tomorrow we are taking Caitlin on the Metra to the DuPage Children's Museum. She is so excited to sit on top and ride to Naperville, where her friend Sophia lives!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Encouraging words!

Part of the reason I wanted to start posting on here was to help others by sharing my story. But today I was encouraged by someone else who has experienced fertility struggles. An old friend sent me a FB message after randomly seeing our blog and shared her success with acupuncture and getting pregnant. It was so thoughtful of her to reach out to me and to provide some hope! I am hoping acupuncture has helped me over the last 3 months and we can have a happy outcome as well! I wish her a successful pregnancy and look forward to hearing about her new little one! Thank you!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Interesting Article I Found!

I thought this article made a lot of sense to me. I know it can be very hard to relate to someone going through fertility issues if you have never experienced it yourself. I know I wish I had been more supportive of those I know that have gone through all of this in the past. Here is the link:

Tomorrow is my last pill and I start the estrogen patches on Tuesday.

We had a fun-filled weekend with Caitlin. She actually liked the Easter Bunny this year and had an Easter Egg hunt yesterday. She got to spend time with Momo, Papa, Auntie Julie, Olivia and Owen today. We had a great night celebrating Easter with them!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Appointment Today

I went for bloodwork and ultrasound this morning. Wow, I must've been getting used to having my blood drawn a few months ago because it never hurt then but today it sucked :( I was already feeling sick this morning so that probably didn't help. I just heard from the nurse. I will start my estrogen patches once I finish my pills. I will stay on them until I start my period and then I will go in again for bloodwork and ultrasound. I will start the stimulation meds then. I can't believe it will be so soon. When I spoke with my nurse a month ago, the protocol was a little different. I asked my nurse today why we aren't doing that protocol and she stated that "Dr. Sipe doesn't feel you need to do the extra meds (Gonarellex) right now." I am assuming this changed based on my bloodwork today. I am taking this as a positive sign, maybe my estrogen levels are higher or something! Maybe acupuncture is working!!! Thanks to all for your support. Not much will happen over the next few days. Until next time...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Thursday is the big day!

Well, it isn't that big of a day! But, I am just so excited to start this next round. I go for bloodwork and ultrasound on Thursday (3/29/12) and will start the estrogen patches. It is a very easy appointment but I just want to get things rolling again! Stay tuned for more posts about this round of IVF. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We will definitely be praying for a positive outcome because we don't know if we can go through all of this a third time.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Where we've been!

We thought it would be a good idea to post a little background on our journey through infertility. Please feel free to share this with anyone you know that is or has struggled with infertility. It is so nice to have other people who can personally relate to what you are going through. I know it would be so much harder for me if I didn't have two people that are close to me to confide in! They have both had success with IVF and I look to them all the time for optimism and support. You know who you are and I thank you!!!
Our journey:
We started trying to conceive in October 2010. I had so much optimism that first month but it was followed by months of disappointment. I never started a cycle after going off birth control in October. I finally saw my OB/GYN in January 2011 and we tried starting it with medicine, which failed. We then tried two months of Clomid, didn't work :( I will never forget the conversation I had with the PA at my OB's office. She said they recommended that I gain weight (like 10 lbs) and then try again OR I could go to an RE (who she said would just tell me to gain the weight). I never thought I would hear someone tell me I had to gain weight to get pregnant, as I never considered myself an extremely thin person. I mean, I know I have never been overweight, I just always considered myself "average" for my height. Anyway, we decided to go to the RE and see what he had to say! That was May 2011 (can't believe it has almost been a year since first meeting with him). After an initial consultation and some bloodwork, I was diagnosed with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea. Basically, my body was not producing enough estrogen (mine produced barely any). My doctor believed this was due to my BMI being low. It was in the average range but on the low side. He recommended that I gain 10 lbs and reduce my exercise intensity. This was EXTREMELY difficult for me. I mean, I know how much I want a child, but working out is such a stress reliever for me that I just couldn't imagine doing that. Also, I had recently started a very healthy, clean diet and couldn't imagine eating "crap" to gain 10 lbs. So, I saw a nutritionist that specialized in fertility. This was great but started me on this whole fertility diet, which has been great because it follows how I want to eat, but makes it SO difficult to eat anywhere but my home. I am getting used to it by now but I think it is still difficult for everyone else in my life to understand. Sometimes, I think others think I am just making it up. But, it has been shown to work and at this point, I will try anything.
My doctor recommended we start by trying an IUI (intrauterine insemination). We started that in July 2011. I went through about 3 weeks of stimulation medication because my body was responding slowly to the meds. It was a rough and emotional three weeks. I didn't know what to expect and was stressing over finding sitters for Caitlin (turns out it has just been easier to bring her to all my appointments). We finally had our IUI on August 9th. The procedure was simple but I had HORRIBLE cramping the next day. My body produced a lot (almost too many) follicles, which was probably the cause of the awful cramps. I couldn't get off the couch and was home alone with Caitlin all day. She was such a good girl! Needless to say, the IUI was not successful. Such a bummer :( To top it off, I developed cysts after that cycle, so we had to wait a month. Then, we were about to start the next round at the end of September and I developed fluid in my uterus. So, that IUI round was canceled too. I was just crushed. I didn't understand why my body was rejecting all of this.
At this point, we met with our doctor and he thought that IVF was the only way to go at this point. My body was requiring such high doses of meds that IUIs were too risky. I was at great risk of multiples (triplets, etc) because my body was producing so many follicles. He said that IVF was a better option because they are able to control the amount of embryos implanted! Never in a million years would I think I would ever be going through IVF. But, we are very fortunate to live in Illinois and have IVF covered by insurance. I couldn't imagine having the financial burden on top of all the stress that goes along with fertility treatments.
We started our first round of IVF at the end of November 2011. Our protocol was as follows:
Birth Control for 3 weeks
Lupron shots
Lupron and Follistim Shots
150 Follistim/150 Menopur/5 Lupron
HCG Shot was on 11/29/11
Egg Retrieval 12/1/11 21 eggs retrieved
Progesterone Shots started on 12/2/11
14 eggs were fertilized
12/2/11: had 9 embryos
12/3/11: 6 embryos survived
12/4/11: Day 3 transfer of 2 embryos (an 8 cell and a 6 cell)
12/6/11: started estrogen patches
12/16/11: pregnancy test day, we weren't pregnant, so devastated :(
We met with our doctor on 12/22 to discuss the results of the first IVF round. He stated that we had poor embryo quality, which was a concern. He also said it might be due to poor egg quality, which was so devastating for me to hear. I already have had enormous amounts of guilt because I have felt like it is all my fault that we can't get pregnant. So, this was just like the icing on the cake. Luckily, I started seeing a psychologist in December who has helped me sort through all these feelings. My doctor also suggested that I start going to acupuncture (great, something else to add to my crazy schedule). I started going to acupuncture in January 2012. I have to say, I actually LOVE it and hope that it helps.
We were scheduled to start our next IVF round in January but that was put on hold because of a totally separate issue. In November 2011, I noticed a lump on my upper right thigh. I mentioned it to my GP who suggested I see a surgeon. I finally met with the surgeon in January and he recommended an MRI. The results of the MRI weren't good, so I then had to have a biopsy of the tumor. It turned out to be something called nodular fasciitis. I had to have the tumor removed 2/24/12 and it is now healing nicely! However, this has delayed everything 3 months. It has been so discouraging and upsetting. I am just hoping it has all been worth the wait!

It's been a long time!

It has been a long time since we posted on our blog. We decided we want to start blogging again before our next round of IVF. We thought this would be the easiest way to keep everyone up to date on the process. We love all the support we have received from our family and friends but sometimes don't have time to respond to all e-mails, texts, calls about dr appts, etc. So, hopefully we will remember to post here and anyone interested can check it out here! Thank you to all for caring so much! It has been a rough year and a half. We are trying to stay positive about this next round.

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